Member Spotlight: Christina Langdon

Give us your background and your story! We want readers to know a little more about your journey

One of my favorite quotes is ‘you attract what you think and receive what you believe’.  After three decades working for big-name media brands including Martha Stewart and Fast Company and a big fat cancer diagnosis, I slowed down and did the work to uncover the red thread of my life's journey.  Once I understood that the person with the most influence over me was me, it was a game-changer.  Coming out, I declared a bold vision for my future that I’m working on every day.  

Life's transitions taught me that to live joyfully and abundantly takes work—the good kind!  Today, I'm writing my life script and following my passion for helping people during times when they just need the help and guidance to find the clarity to fuel their dreams.

Tell us about your business or work, so readers know about what you do and how you could potentially help them.  

I’m an executive and small business coach and mentor who works with people who want to play on a bigger stage and level up their career or business. I leverage my years of leading marketing and sales divisions to help executives and organizations work on a higher level with superior outcomes.  

The work I’m doing with clients today under this time of uncertainty has them not just weathering this storm of change, but coming out better for it!

How did you hear about the coco and what prompted you to join

I had spoken about launching a very similar concept with a friend in town. I was thrilled when I learned of The Co-Co’s launch, and as the saying goes, if you can’t beat them, join them.  They founders have created so much more than I had ever envisioned.

Why you love co-working and how it helps your business

The mission of the Co-Co is around learning, connecting and working which are three of my passions.  I’m a life-long learner who thrives by learning from others, especially those I work with and around.  The diversity of talent, experience and perspective among the membership has made The Co-Co incredibly rewarding.


Member Spotlight: Gail Winbury


Social Impact Series: COVID-19 Stories, Addressing Hunger for New Jersey Families